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Altair Camera Software
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Interrupted frames subs download during imaging session?
- Is there a quick start guide for my camera?
- How do I stop dew (moisture) forming on the OUTSIDE of my TEC camera optical window?
- My camera frame rate is slow how do I speed it up?
- My dewshield slips down when scope is pointed upwards, how do I fix it?
- How to claim your SharpCap PRO License with Altair Camera
- Where can I download the latest version of Altair Capture?
- Why does the image appear dim compared to other cameras?
- What is the sensor spacing 'backfocus' for Hypercam Fan & TEC Cooled Cameras?
- Can filters be placed in front of a focal reducer flattener?
- What thread size do Hypercam cameras have?
- Quickstart
- Altair Camera Quickstart
- How do I download Altair Software and ASCOM drivers?
- How to download Altair Camera Software and Drivers
- Troubleshooting
- How do I remove “pixel trails” in my stacked astro images?
- How do I get rid of dew (moisture) forming on the OUTSIDE of my TEC camera optical window?
- Improve slow frame rate with your Altair camera
- Blank or black preview screen or “no frame rate” with Altair camera
- How to generate a Diagnose File in AltairCapture
- I cannot find .FITS files on my hard drive in AltairCapture image sequence?
- Instructions & Howto
- How to adjust sensor reducer flattener spacing for better star shapes
- Hypercam Sensor to Flange Spacing (Backfocus) & USB Port Diagrams
- What is the purpose of the silver screw in the side of the TEC camera and the silver tube (desiccant cartridge)?
- How to use Dark Field Subtraction to remove fixed-pattern noise
- Create time-lapse video in AltairCapture with “Batch Record”
- Recording .AVI movies and image sequences in AltairCapture
- How to remove green colour with Altair Cameras
- Live stacking instructions
- How to use Altair camera as a digital finder scope
- How to focus your Altair Camera on stars
- Capture & Resolution menu in AltairCapture
- How to use ROI (Region Of Interest)
- Altair Solar Hershel Wedge Instructions
- How to capture planetary video in AltairCapture
- CMOS Imaging Concepts
- Quantum Efficiency, Read Noise, and why they are important
- Star testing a modern ED Doublet refractor with Altair Camera
- Which colour space should I choose?
- What bit depth should I choose with my Altair Camera?
- What file format should I use with my camera?
- How does Binning work with CMOS cameras?
- What is Debayering, and why should I do it before stacking my images?